
What is a "Petition for Review"?

Beginning on July 1, 2023, a "Petition for Review" is the new procedure for appealing any final judgment on a "lower judicatory" to a superior court or state court.

Judicatory means any court, official, board, tribunal, commission, municipal or county authority, council, or similar body excercising judicial or quasi-judicial powers.

Lower Judicatory means any "judicatory" inferior to the superior and state courts, in this case the Magistrate Court of Bartow County, that is subject to the appellate jurisdiction of the superior or state courts as provided by law and the Georgia Constitution.

When are the Filing Deadlines?

Unless an exception applies such as in Dispossessory proceedings, the petitioner must file a petition for review with the clerk of the reviewing court within 30 days after the date the final judgment of the Magistrate Court has been files or recorded, whichever comes first.

Manner of Service Process

Service of a petition for review or other document shall be made in person, by mail, or electronically (if consent to electronic service is given).

When are the Service Deadlines?

The petitioner must serve a copy of his or her petition for review to all parties and the lower judicatory that made the final judgment within 5 days after filing the petition for review in the reviewing court.

Below is a Guide to the Petition for Review Process:
Citizen's Guide to the Petition for Review with Form