Garnishment Actions

What is a "Garnishment"?

A court order directing that money or property of a third party (usually wages paid by an employer) be seized to satisfy a debt owed by a debtor to a plaintiff creditor.

Helpful Terms Involving Garnishment Cases:

  • Collateral - Property the guarantees payment of a secured debt
  • Plaintiff - in a garnishment case, the plaintiff is the person or business entity that is seeking to collect the money awarded to them from a court judgment
  • Judgment Debtor - a person or business entity (such as a bank) who is obligated to pay a debt or damages awarded by the court
  • Garnishee - a third party (person/entity who is not an original party to the claim) who is served notice by a court to surrender money in settlement of a debt or claim
  • Default - failure to perform a legal duty

Below are the Required Forms to file a Garnishment Action:
Affidavit of Garnishment
Garnishee Answer
Notice of Right Against Garnishment
Summons of Garnishment