Personal Property Foreclosure

What is a "Personal Property Foreclosure"?

An action that allows a "secured party", such as a lender, to seek the return of tangible and transportable property to satisfy a debt. A Personal Property Foreclosure may also be used by the owner who has rented the property. Personal Property includes but is not limited to vehicles, furniture, appliances, etc. The Magistrate Court has jurisdiction over claims involving dollar amounts of $15,000 or less.

One may begin the Personal Property Foreclosure Process by filling the Affidavit found below. Once the Affidavit has been filed, the Defendant must be served by the sheriff's department or a private process server. The Defendant has 7 days to answer the affidavit. If the Defendant fails to repond within 7 days, the Plaintiff may petition the court for a Default Judgment or may be entitled to an automatic judgment by the Court.

Below is the required document to file for a Personal Property Foreclosure:
Personal Property Foreclosure Affidavit